
    The Lady's New Nose

    It’s been a long time, but I’m finally back to finish what I started.  And speaking of finishing what I started, I should probably write that post about the second part of our trip from this past summer.  I know it’s long over-due and long forgotten, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t get it done.  I’m thinking that will be my next “all new and exciting” post.  Stay tuned for that, it just might arrive before Christmas.  Christmas makes me busy.

    Without further ado, may I present our new mudroom in pictures…

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    Okay, it’s the mudroom, but mostly it’s Tyler.  This is what Tyler does each day; he gets what he wants.  In this case, he wants shoes that are located inside of the awesome mudroom cabinets.   So he climbs onto the bench, walks to the cabinet door, opens the cabinet door…

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    …climbs down, grabs the shoes, and disappears.  This leaves the lady’s new nose empty and ready for a photo.  Awww,  isn’t she lovely.

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    Now it’s Mazie turn to get in on the photo action.  The mudroom cabinet is perfection.  We have room to hang 14 coats, house a crap-load of shoes, tuck away all of our hats and mittens, and even our cookbooks have a home.  Because the mudroom is pretty narrow it’s hard to get a good picture of the front of the cabinet so you’ll just have to trust me when I tell you it’s supremely good.

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    Tyler’s back again and looking for an escape.  This offers a different view of my handsome lady’s nose with a view into the kitchen.  And just to round out the pictures, here’s a view of the mudroom just past the cabinet before you get to the desk.  There is a large opening where you can walk into our old office and pocket French doors if you want some privacy.  This means you can now make a circle inside our house.  The kids love to circle and I’ve gotta say circling isn’t just for kids, adults love it too.  And that my friends is our new mudroom and my children.  The End.

    Why A yBike?

    It’s now been a full week living with the yBike Pewi and a great week it has been.  If you live with or know a one or two-year-old, read this and then head to the nearest yBike retailer.  This thing is that good…

    Tyler Holding Bike
    1. The bike is cute.  It looks like a smiley face on wheels.
    2. It’s small.  We have a smaller house and it’s the first large toy we’ve owned that doesn’t take up much space.
    3. It’s light.  When it needs to be moved, it’s easy for anyone to move it.
    4. Your kid will look cute riding the thing.  Sure, your kid’s cute now, but wait till you see him/her on a yBike.
    5. Your kid will spend at least an hour a day riding the thing.  That’s an hour a day not spent trying to kill him/herself.
    6. Your kid will spend another hour a day pushing or carrying the bike.  Your child will beam with pride at the accomplishment and you will marvel at your excellent purchasing skills.
    7. Your kid can multi-task while yBiking.  Who says you can’t talk on a pretend remote control phone while riding a big red smiley face?
    8. Your older child/children will delight in riding it when the younger one is asleep.  You will smartly make a rule that the yBike is reserved for the little one while he/she is awake and remind the older one/ones of the many hours of toddler-free Y bike fun he/she/they will have when the little one is sleeping.
    9. The yBike works well on rugs and hardwood and it’s easy to get from one to the other.  He/she will again smile at the accomplishment.
    10. The yBike has 4 casters that swivel 360 degrees for easy movement.  Your kid doesn’t get frustrated and can easily move around obstacles.

    I know what the cousin is getting for his one-year-old birthday.  Go Pewi!

    Larger Than An Uh-Oh

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    Tyler is now 14 months old. He walks, points, grunts and says three words: uh-oh, hi and yay. At this point in her life Mazie spoke at least 40 different words. I remember listing them out on a piece of paper, because I was eager to see just how many different things she could say. I can count Tyler’s words on one hand. But, I digress. I’m here today to talk about what makes Tyler, Tyler. What differentiates him from all of the other 14 month old babies out there in the big, wide world.

    I give you ten Tyler truisms (at least for now):

    1. He always has an opinion.
    2. He's usually trying to break himself or something else.
    3. He loves to cuddle with soft objects.
    4. He also loves putting soft objects in his mouth and walking around with them for long periods of time.
    5. He's a jokester, giggler, a comedian at heart.
    6. He likes it loud.
    7. He's delighted by cats and dogs.
    8. He can't get enough of Goldfish crackers, toast and Amy's Mac-n-Cheese.
    9. He doesn't take no for an answer.
    10. Tyler lives life full-speed-ahead!

    Larger Than A One-Year-Old

    I had a baby, then I had a blog, then I had another baby and now that another baby is ONE plus four days! The newest arrival is a never-stand-still, always moving sort of guy. He prefers crawling to walking which is to say that he hasn’t walked yet, but doesn’t have any desire to try. He’s mastered the stairs and makes several trips up and down each day. He commands his environment and expects things to conform to his will. Open the dishwasher and he’ll have a plate on the floor in seconds. Show him the dog food bucket and he’ll be there in a New York minute ready to throw food at the dog. Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.

    He seems stronger than would be natural for a one-year-old and has broken many things that I didn’t think a one-year-old would be able to break. This guy doesn’t take no for an answer. Diaper changes are never dull as Tyler believes lying still to be an insult to my physical prowess. He contorts his body, screams and many times achieves a stand up position mid-diaper change.

    For all of his tough guy routine, Tyler is a softie at heart. He laughs his head off multiple times a day and loves an odd head snuggle with anything soft. He delivers open mouthed kisses to arms, legs, faces, whatever he can reach. And he’s got a smile that can’t be beat. That’s Tyler and he’s ONE plus four days…that’s why he’s larger than a one-year-old.