It’s now been a full week living with the yBike Pewi and a great week it has been.  If you live with or know a one or two-year-old, read this and then head to the nearest yBike retailer.  This thing is that good…

Tyler Holding Bike
  1. The bike is cute.  It looks like a smiley face on wheels.
  2. It’s small.  We have a smaller house and it’s the first large toy we’ve owned that doesn’t take up much space.
  3. It’s light.  When it needs to be moved, it’s easy for anyone to move it.
  4. Your kid will look cute riding the thing.  Sure, your kid’s cute now, but wait till you see him/her on a yBike.
  5. Your kid will spend at least an hour a day riding the thing.  That’s an hour a day not spent trying to kill him/herself.
  6. Your kid will spend another hour a day pushing or carrying the bike.  Your child will beam with pride at the accomplishment and you will marvel at your excellent purchasing skills.
  7. Your kid can multi-task while yBiking.  Who says you can’t talk on a pretend remote control phone while riding a big red smiley face?
  8. Your older child/children will delight in riding it when the younger one is asleep.  You will smartly make a rule that the yBike is reserved for the little one while he/she is awake and remind the older one/ones of the many hours of toddler-free Y bike fun he/she/they will have when the little one is sleeping.
  9. The yBike works well on rugs and hardwood and it’s easy to get from one to the other.  He/she will again smile at the accomplishment.
  10. The yBike has 4 casters that swivel 360 degrees for easy movement.  Your kid doesn’t get frustrated and can easily move around obstacles.

I know what the cousin is getting for his one-year-old birthday.  Go Pewi!