i intended this website to be full of interesting topics and discussion. what seems to be happening so far is that i talk about things that aren’t very riveting. i’m not going to call my website boring or intellectually challenged, but someone else could and i wouldn’t want to hit them. i had my hopes set high on the people i know. i feel privileged to be acquainted with quite a few smart people and many of those smart people are talented writers. i thought they would be sending in post after post of stuff that would make your head twirl. so far only honeybee has posted and try as i might, i can’t convince anyone else to do the same. okay, that’s not entirely fair, TwoStep did send in a contribution but i shot it down. you see this TwoStep guy is a very talented writer and his submission while lovely and poetic, was short, oh so short and i was hoping for more. my point in going on about all of this is that this here post, this current post, takes my high-minded website ideas and grinds them to a halt. i’m writing about toilet paper and i actually feel some need to write about toilet paper. obviously, my mind is small.

here goes…

i buy seventh generation toilet paper. i feel good knowing that i’m doing some small part to help the planet by wiping my butt with 100% recycled paper. i like the company and i like the toilet paper. even though it costs two or three times more than the plushiest, terrycloth-like toilet paper and it feels like the cheapest generic stuff on the market, it gives me a strange satisfaction. i’m so used to this toilet paper that the stuff at other people’s houses feels almost vulgar. but, this is not the point of my post.

the reason that i’m here writing about toilet paper has to due with the inconsistency of this toilet paper. at its softest, it feels soft to me, but i’m sure to others it still feels like the stuff you get in a public restroom. but it’s not always at its softest, sometimes it’s hard, very hard and then even i wonder how i’m supposed to use the stuff. most times it’s somewhere in the middle, but rarely is it the same from package to package. our household just finished off two twelve-pack double rolls of the hardest stuff i’ve ever experienced, imagine wiping your butt with a tree branch. okay not that bad, but close. it was a struggle. not wanting to place such a big bet this time around, i opted for two four-pack double rolls and i ended up with the softest toilet paper they make. it was such a contrast to go from the one to the other that it made me want to write this post. the inconsistency perplexes me.